Sunday, September 3, 2023

One, No, Two More Sunflower Poems


In My Sunflower Garden, 2018.



My sunflower garden is sheer delight

filling my backyard with beams of light

It’s where I find time to commune with God

amid gigantic blessings, sprung from sod


They sway in the breeze and make me smile

as I sit meditative, for awhile

Each luminous face is haloed gold

atop stalks like soldiers, straight and bold


They outshine all other blooms around

Each sunburst the buzzing bees surround

and butterflies come a-winging, too

I saw some Monarchs alight a few


After days of dazzle, they’ll bow their heads

Grown weary, their golden petals shed

presenting a somber prayerful stance

inspiring intercessions as I glance


I watch bees draw nectar, soon the birds

will feast upon their seeds, as spurred

This is nature’s way; how life goes on

It’s the Master plan we depend upon


I believe my garden is God’s gift

to empower my spirit to uplift

So much depends on these golden kings—

Beauty, sustenance…eternal things!


Maude Carolan Pych

Photo credit:



Lion of Judah

God’s Face in a sunflower

His mane is ablaze


Maude Carolan Pych

"Behold the Lamb...poetically!

by Maude Carolan Pych

is available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBC, etc.