Sunday, December 10, 2023

"The Shepherds"

 A-Poem-a-Day Until Christmas

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Shepherds recline around the fire

Their long day’s work is done

The air is crisp, the sky is clear

they watch the setting sun


The sheep that grazed the fields by day

now safely sleep nearby

Men each take night-watch turns

to watch for wolves and foxes, sly


They eat some fish, some barley bread

drink water from the well

draw woolen blankets ‘round them, snug

they laugh and stories tell


Suddenly the calm is stirred

by singing in the sky

The shepherds lift their drowsy heads

What’s happening and why?


They can’t believe their ears and eyes

for what they hear and see…

a throng of shining faces, wings

snow white and fluttery!


The rugged shepherds tremble

The angels chant, “Do not fear…

We bring you tidings of great joy

all people need to hear


For unto you is born this day

in little Bethlehem—

swaddled in a manger, Christ

the Savior of all men!


Glory to God in the highest!”

sweet angel voices sing

“Peace on earth, goodwill to men”

They proclaim the newborn King!


As the angels take their leave

the men vow in the morn

they’ll go to Bethlehem and seek

the Christ, the newly born


So with the rising of the sun

each with his staff and rod

the shepherds with their sheep set off…

Their quest, the Lamb of God


Arriving at the humble place

the angels sang about

they enter with resounding praise

and hallelujah shouts!


As the shepherds kneel, adoring

a spotless wooly lamb

approaches the lowly manger

and gently nuzzles the I Am


Maude Carolan Pych

Books by Maude Carolan Pych


Maude's memoir in poetry--

For ordering details go to:


"Behold the Lamb...poetically!"

(Poems about the Birth, Death & Resurrection of Jesus)

is available online at

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.

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