Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sunflowers in the Storm

I didn't plant sunflowers this summer,

but here's a photo & poem from August 2019...

In my sunflower garden, 2019.



My sunflowers lift their faces to the sky

Haloed in golden splendor

they imitate the great orb of light

that shines down upon them

and reflect back its glory

for all they’re worth


They stand stately and tall

Beautiful. Confident

swaying with grace

almost dancing in place

day after sunny day


and then a storm rolls in


Clouds emerge and darken

The rain lets go its fury

pelting them without mercy

The wind blows wildly


Pummeled to the ground

the sunflowers spring back

over and over again

They can take it


Watching, I wonder

that their slim stalks don’t snap

as they are knocked about


Next morning, the sky is blue

the sun shines brightly

and the recovered golden heads

smile at the orb again


 and I know

sometimes I am a sunflower in the storm

sometimes I’m a sunflower in the sun


Maude Carolan Pych


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