Wednesday, December 21, 2022

"Another Silent Night"

 A-Poem-a-Day Until Christmas...



My friend Holly (who has a special

affinity with all things Christmas)

once gave me a picture

of Mary at the crib of Jesus—

She said the image of Mary

reminded her of one of my daughters


I framed the picture

and hung it on the wall

not because of any resemblance

to my daughter, but

because I was moved

by the striking look of anguish

upon Mary’s lovely face


This had to have been the day

Mary and Joseph went to the temple

to dedicate Jesus, the day

they offered two turtledoves

as a sacrifice for their firstborn son


Simeon was present when they came in

and knew immediately

by the power of the Holy Spirit

that this Child was

God’s promised Savior


He told Mary—

A sword will pierce your soul!


This silent night in Bethlehem

as Jesus lay sleeping

Mary lifts his tiny hand

to her trembling lips

She wonders about God’s marvelous plan

wonders how a Savior saves


and as she wonders, she feels

the point of an unseen sword

pressing against her flesh—


What did that wise old man mean?


There’s so much I do not know—

So much I do not want to know




Maude Carolan Pych

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