Friday, March 10, 2023

I've Read the Book


Until Resurrection Day

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Twice I heard Tony Campolo deliver

his famous and rousing sermon

It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Comin’!

at the Great Auditorium in Ocean Grove

Tony drummed home the point

that everything may look bleak on Friday, but…

come Sunday…Sunday changes everything!


Now, I’m not thinking of just any dark and bleak Friday

I’m thinking about the original Good Friday—

thinking the only reason I can bear

to contemplate that good and terrible day

is because I know

a few days later there was

a mind-blowing, miraculous Sunday—

…Resurrection Sunday!


The disciples didn’t have

the advantage I have—

They didn’t understand

life after death

couldn’t comprehend

atonement for sin

just didn’t get it

that their teacher and friend, Jesus

could die upon a cross

for the sins of the world

They didn’t realize

they were in the middle of miracles

Didn’t know the future—

Sure, they may have read portions of the Scrolls

but they didn’t have the whole wonderful Book

The ending wasn’t written yet!


I do have the whole Book

I’ve read ahead

and studied the pages      

I know that what follows

the Good Friday story

is the victorious hope-giving

hallelujah happy ending


I know my sins are forgiven

know I’m going to live forever

Yes, I know what happened next

and that makes all the difference


Maude Carolan Pych

"Behold the Lamb...poetically!"

by Maude Carolan Pych

is available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.


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